Fantasy Digest, v. 1, issue 2, February 1939
Page 14
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"Then why are you afraid," came the mechanical voice of the Masked Spaceman, "I'll tell you why. You have kidnapped Princess Della and planend to start a war between Koray and the Earth-Mars State." "No," screamed Black, "You're lying. Why should I start a war?" "Where is the Princess?" asked the hard, mechanical voice of the Masked Spaceman. "Tell me or I'll start melting you with this ray gun from the feet up. Where is she?" "Wait, don't, I'll tell, I'll tell," wailed Leo Black. "She's in the next room. Now let me go, I'll-------" "You can put up your hands, Mr. Masked Spaceman," said a young voice from the doorway behind the Masked Spaceman. "I'll take charge now." The Masked Spaceman turned and said in his mechanical voice. "Ah, Our friend, Jack Johnson." His gun roared and Johnson fell dead without firing a shot. The Masked Spaceman swung around and saw that Leo Black was aiming a gun at him. He fired a second time and Black crashed over his desk. The Masked Spaceman freed the princess and carried her to his spaceship and took off. "How did you know where to find me?" asked the princess. Continued on page
"Then why are you afraid," came the mechanical voice of the Masked Spaceman, "I'll tell you why. You have kidnapped Princess Della and planend to start a war between Koray and the Earth-Mars State." "No," screamed Black, "You're lying. Why should I start a war?" "Where is the Princess?" asked the hard, mechanical voice of the Masked Spaceman. "Tell me or I'll start melting you with this ray gun from the feet up. Where is she?" "Wait, don't, I'll tell, I'll tell," wailed Leo Black. "She's in the next room. Now let me go, I'll-------" "You can put up your hands, Mr. Masked Spaceman," said a young voice from the doorway behind the Masked Spaceman. "I'll take charge now." The Masked Spaceman turned and said in his mechanical voice. "Ah, Our friend, Jack Johnson." His gun roared and Johnson fell dead without firing a shot. The Masked Spaceman swung around and saw that Leo Black was aiming a gun at him. He fired a second time and Black crashed over his desk. The Masked Spaceman freed the princess and carried her to his spaceship and took off. "How did you know where to find me?" asked the princess. Continued on page
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