Fantasy Digest, v. 1, issue 2, February 1939
Page 19
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FANTASY DIGEST 19 readers don't really want articles but they will tolerate the more interesting sort with absolutely no technical aspect. It also means that the magazines could take a lesson from the fan magazines & print "fan" articles. The old "Amazing Stories" featured them. Articles on Frank Reade, their oldest and youngest readers, science-fiction in Japan and what-not. Why not Astounding? AMAZING STORIES, the eternal, has interupted its staid course long enough to change publishers and that's about all. What a record of dependability has "Amazing Stories". Never skipping an issue in its 13 years of existance. When it went bi-monthly it stayed bi-monthly. When it went monthly it stayed monthly. It has changed owners three times and never interupted its schedule. What magazine can boast a like record? When we go to AMAZING STORIES we do not expect to find every story good or even fair, we only search for one of those classical gems she springs on us more or less regularly. Quality in fiction rarely touched by the others in the field. The two issues under Tech were reasonably good. Moray did the best AMAZING STORY cover of the year with his superb picturization of the metal men on the April, 1938 issue. His inside illustrations were poor, and as a whole he was no asset to the magazine. Jackson & Welch were unutterably rotten and its good riddance to bad rubbish. Fuqua and Krupa are both pretty good, though not as good as Paul or Wesso or Dold or even Clay Ferguson, Jr. for that matter. They have shown improvement however, especially Fuqua whose covers are reminiscent of Paul, though Krupa is exasperatingly cartoonish at times. In my august opinion the photo covers were not a success and quite poor. Away with them -- but definitely. Now for stories. AMAZING STORIES has printed two gems during 1938. Two stories that will be remembered for a long time. They are: GRETA, QUEEN OF QUEENS by masterly W.K. SONNEMAN, easily the best, and LOCKED CITY by THORNTON AYRE, definitely a find. On the Very Good listing I would include
FANTASY DIGEST 19 readers don't really want articles but they will tolerate the more interesting sort with absolutely no technical aspect. It also means that the magazines could take a lesson from the fan magazines & print "fan" articles. The old "Amazing Stories" featured them. Articles on Frank Reade, their oldest and youngest readers, science-fiction in Japan and what-not. Why not Astounding? AMAZING STORIES, the eternal, has interupted its staid course long enough to change publishers and that's about all. What a record of dependability has "Amazing Stories". Never skipping an issue in its 13 years of existance. When it went bi-monthly it stayed bi-monthly. When it went monthly it stayed monthly. It has changed owners three times and never interupted its schedule. What magazine can boast a like record? When we go to AMAZING STORIES we do not expect to find every story good or even fair, we only search for one of those classical gems she springs on us more or less regularly. Quality in fiction rarely touched by the others in the field. The two issues under Tech were reasonably good. Moray did the best AMAZING STORY cover of the year with his superb picturization of the metal men on the April, 1938 issue. His inside illustrations were poor, and as a whole he was no asset to the magazine. Jackson & Welch were unutterably rotten and its good riddance to bad rubbish. Fuqua and Krupa are both pretty good, though not as good as Paul or Wesso or Dold or even Clay Ferguson, Jr. for that matter. They have shown improvement however, especially Fuqua whose covers are reminiscent of Paul, though Krupa is exasperatingly cartoonish at times. In my august opinion the photo covers were not a success and quite poor. Away with them -- but definitely. Now for stories. AMAZING STORIES has printed two gems during 1938. Two stories that will be remembered for a long time. They are: GRETA, QUEEN OF QUEENS by masterly W.K. SONNEMAN, easily the best, and LOCKED CITY by THORNTON AYRE, definitely a find. On the Very Good listing I would include
Hevelin Fanzines