Fantasy Digest, v. 1, issue 2, February 1939
Page 22
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22 FANTASY DIGEST started the first 'round-robin' story, by getting sixteen famous stf authors to write an interplanetary yarn, entitled "Cosmos" for them? (Including A. Merritt and E. E. Smith). Do you remember the names of the fans found in fan magazines then?: Allen Glasser, Clifton [Amesbury?], Oswald Train, Michael Fogaris, Milton, Kaletsky, Ted Lutwin? A few of those names are still in circulations: Dan McPhail, F. J. Ackerman, Charlie Hornig, etc. Do you remember when Anthony Gilmore was the mystery of the hour, and columnists Rap, Chr, and JS were driving readers crazy with their wild guessing as to his identity? Do you remember when the Jules Verne Prize Club was formed to pick the three best science-fiction stories of the year?; and cups were to be given the winning authors? Do you remember the radio broadcast entitled "1986-A.D."? Do you remember Ralph Milne Farley's "Radio Pirates" and "Radio War" in Argosy? Do you remember Ray Cummings' "Brand New World?". Do you remember when a privately published pro mag called "Science Fiction" was published and what was given with each subscription? Do you remember when Paramount Pictures put over a publicity contest and selected a 'Panther Woman' to play the feminine lead in their picture "The Island of Lost Souls"? Do you remember who Ku Sui was? Do you remember that sad, fateful day when the announcement hit a stunned world that Clayton's ASTOUNDING STORIES would be no more, and the bottom fell out of our science-fiction world that Christmas? Do you remember when Argosy was advertising Merritt's "Burn, Witch, Burn"? Do you remember some of the corking good vampire yarns in the old STRANGE TALES? Do you remember STRANGE TALES? Do you remember when Hugo Gernsback was hailed as one of the shining lights of science-fiction? Do you remember when WONDER STORIES changed its format, shape and editorial policy with almost every other issue? Do you remember the issue that featured a cover made up almost exclusively of violently colored polka-dots? And what the cover represented?
22 FANTASY DIGEST started the first 'round-robin' story, by getting sixteen famous stf authors to write an interplanetary yarn, entitled "Cosmos" for them? (Including A. Merritt and E. E. Smith). Do you remember the names of the fans found in fan magazines then?: Allen Glasser, Clifton [Amesbury?], Oswald Train, Michael Fogaris, Milton, Kaletsky, Ted Lutwin? A few of those names are still in circulations: Dan McPhail, F. J. Ackerman, Charlie Hornig, etc. Do you remember when Anthony Gilmore was the mystery of the hour, and columnists Rap, Chr, and JS were driving readers crazy with their wild guessing as to his identity? Do you remember when the Jules Verne Prize Club was formed to pick the three best science-fiction stories of the year?; and cups were to be given the winning authors? Do you remember the radio broadcast entitled "1986-A.D."? Do you remember Ralph Milne Farley's "Radio Pirates" and "Radio War" in Argosy? Do you remember Ray Cummings' "Brand New World?". Do you remember when a privately published pro mag called "Science Fiction" was published and what was given with each subscription? Do you remember when Paramount Pictures put over a publicity contest and selected a 'Panther Woman' to play the feminine lead in their picture "The Island of Lost Souls"? Do you remember who Ku Sui was? Do you remember that sad, fateful day when the announcement hit a stunned world that Clayton's ASTOUNDING STORIES would be no more, and the bottom fell out of our science-fiction world that Christmas? Do you remember when Argosy was advertising Merritt's "Burn, Witch, Burn"? Do you remember some of the corking good vampire yarns in the old STRANGE TALES? Do you remember STRANGE TALES? Do you remember when Hugo Gernsback was hailed as one of the shining lights of science-fiction? Do you remember when WONDER STORIES changed its format, shape and editorial policy with almost every other issue? Do you remember the issue that featured a cover made up almost exclusively of violently colored polka-dots? And what the cover represented?
Hevelin Fanzines