Daily Iowan, December 19, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, December 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10C a line or fraction: 20% discount on three, or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-One large room, modern, for girls. 114 N. Gilbert. 38 FOR RENT- Modern front room. 505 E. Washington 36 LOSTJ- A pair of nose glasses. Finder please leave at Dean Aurner's office. 37 FOR RENT- 3 rooms one-half block from new Dental Building Red 728. 38 FOR RENT-Modern front room. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E. Washington 38 FOR RENT-Two rooms, one single and one double, modern, well furnished. Three blocks from campus, 113 E. Court. Phone 937. 40 FOR RENT-Three rooms, two double and one single, for boys. Strictly modern. 724 E. Market. Phone B-537. 40 FOR RENT-Modern furnished house or rooms. 604 S. Clinton. 38 WANTED-Student linotype operator for balance of school year apply at Republican office 35 HOME EC. TEACHER WRITES OF BUDGET American Magazine Introdues New Department Conducted by Miss Wardall Ruth Wardall, head of the department of home economics of the University, who has been appointed to organized a bureau of home economics for the Society for Savings of Cleveland, Ohio, one of the biggest banks in the country, has written an article for the January issue of the American magazine. The title of the article is "Have You Divided Your Dollar for 1919?" In this article Miss Wardall explains the family budget, the need for such a budget in these days of expensive living, and the necessity for cooperation between the husband and wife and the children. "The wise expenditure of the family money should be regarded as a matter of loyalty to the firm, not as a mere matter of necessity," Miss Wardall says. She classes living expenses under five different heads:-food, shelter, clothing, operating or household expenses, and 'advancement', or 'higher life.' This article introduces for the American a department which will receive correspondence and give expert advice as to the making of family budgets. PERKINS "KIDS" GET CHEER Magdalene Freyder Has Charge of Gifts-Sorority Give Treet The crippled children in the University hospital will have a real Christmas this year according to plans. On Christmas morning they wil have a tree and all that goes with one in the way of presents and exercises. Besides this there will be festivities Friday in the school room before the teachers leave. Magdalene Freyder of the University high school has charge of the collecting and preparation of the things. Christmas trees were donated by the Pi Phi and Tri Delta sororities. A call has been sent out to the people of Iowa City for boxes for individual children as well as for fruit, nuts, and the little luxuries of Christmas time. Those who wish to contribute may do so through Miss Freyder. Her residence is at 1010 College street. Y.W. PLANS TO GIVE MUSICAL COMEDY The Y.W.C.A. is planning to give a musical comedy, "Katcha Koo," March 14 and 15 under the direction of the John B. Rogers Production company. The cast will probably include 200 persons, and will be trained by a director furnished by the company. Last year the Iowa City Improvement league gave "The Wishing Ring" under the direction of the same company. ARTIST AND INTERPRETOR COMING TO LECTURE SOON Leon Dabo, interpreter for the American Financial Mission to Europe, will lecture here Jan. 8. Dr. Dabo was spokesman and official photographer of the Financial Mission which included Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis and Laurence Chamberlain. He is an artist of note. His works are hung in the Luxemborg museum of Paris, the Imperial museum of Tokyo, the Museum of Ottawa and Montreal, the National gallery of Washington and other American galleries. IOWA STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION TO MEET The executive session of the Iowa state teachers' association will be held in Des Moines Dec. 26, 27, and 28. Prof.E.E. Lewis, of education department of the University, first vice president of the organization, is a member of a committee which is to give a report on the selection and arrangement of subject matter for secondary schools. Prof. Ernest Horn will give a report on the teaching of civics. The organization will spend the time largely on the development of its legislative program. HODGSON-KELSO Mary Hodgson of Iowa City was united in marriage to Edward L. Kelso at Marengo Thursday Dec. 12. Miss Hodgson is graduate of the University, a member of the Erodelphian society and following her graduation assisted in the registrar's office. She taught at Albian college, Albian, Mich., and also at Grand Rapids, Mich., previous to her marriage. Mr. Kelso was recently engaged in business in Iowa City but has now entered the furniture business in Marengo where their future home will be. The triangle Christmas party will not be held as planned due to the ban on social gatherings. ANNUAL NEWSPAPER CONFERENCE CALLED OFF The fourth annual conference of Iowa newspaper men, which was to take place at Iowa City, has been called off. The meeting was originally slated for Homecoming time, but on account of influenza, Homecoming plans were made too hurriedly to arrange for the conference then. A later plan was to have it arranged for Jan. 23, when Isaac F. Marcasson feature writer for the Saturday Evening Post, was to lecture here on "The War and After." Since the annual convention of newspaper men, which is held every alternate year in Des Moines, will meet there, near the time of Mr. Marcosson's lecture, the conference has been entirely abandoned for this year. FRESHMAN GIRL DIES Gladys Carr, of Popejoy, a freshman, died Tuesday morning, Dec. 17, of pneumonia at Mercy hospital. Three weeks ago she contracted influenza. Her case was not considered serious and she was quarantined, under a nurse's care, in her room at Currier hall. Pneumonia soon developed and she was removed to Mercy hospital where an operation was performed on her lung. She was considered better Sunday but her death came very quickly Tuesday evening. Her family and friends accompanied the body to her home for burial. PHYSICAL ED. COURSE OPEN Credit will be given in the future for the following subjects in the department of physical education for women: folk dancing, aesthetician, dancing, playground, and hygiene. Courses in dancing are open next quarter. One hour of credit will be given for each of the two remaining quarters. No one may major in physical education unless she is taking the prescribed normal course, according to Marion R. Lyon, head of the department. NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY The new books at the University library treat mostly of problems of national importance. Among them are the following, "The Forum of Democracy," by D.E. Watkins; "The Present Conflict of Ideals," by Perry "European International Relations" by J.A. Murray MacDonald; "The Cradle of War," by H. Chas. Words "The World War," by Ely. Two more of particular interest the "The American Problem of Reconstruction," by Friedman, and "The Making of the Future," by Fleme. RECEIVES MORE SPECIMENS Another box of specimens obtained from the Gulf of Mexico by Professor Dill on his trip last spring, has just arrived at the museum. These specimens consist mainly of bird skins. Most important among the specimens is the horned snake which will be mounted for the museum. The Store of the Christmas Spirit High-Grade New Blouses The very latest creations of Georgettes and Crepe-de-Chine Blouses from New York, just out of the packing boxes. All sizes, delightful colorings, most of them in Christmas boxes. Extraordinary values at $3.75-$5.75-$6.98 AND $7.98 Holiday Gloves The success of a costume so often depends upon the correctness of accessory details and Gloves are among the most important to be considered. We sell perfect fitting, reliable Kid Gloves and Silk Gloves, suitable for Christmas Gifts. Women's Neckwear for Gifts A most complete assortment of correct new styles in women's Neckwear appropriate for Christmas gifts awaits your selection. Come here for finest quality and choicest selection. All women of taste will appreciate the Christmas showing of Neckwear. REASONABLE PRICES. BEST QUALITY ALWAYS AT LOWEST PRICES Yetter's THE BIG STORE
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, December 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10C a line or fraction: 20% discount on three, or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-One large room, modern, for girls. 114 N. Gilbert. 38 FOR RENT- Modern front room. 505 E. Washington 36 LOSTJ- A pair of nose glasses. Finder please leave at Dean Aurner's office. 37 FOR RENT- 3 rooms one-half block from new Dental Building Red 728. 38 FOR RENT-Modern front room. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E. Washington 38 FOR RENT-Two rooms, one single and one double, modern, well furnished. Three blocks from campus, 113 E. Court. Phone 937. 40 FOR RENT-Three rooms, two double and one single, for boys. Strictly modern. 724 E. Market. Phone B-537. 40 FOR RENT-Modern furnished house or rooms. 604 S. Clinton. 38 WANTED-Student linotype operator for balance of school year apply at Republican office 35 HOME EC. TEACHER WRITES OF BUDGET American Magazine Introdues New Department Conducted by Miss Wardall Ruth Wardall, head of the department of home economics of the University, who has been appointed to organized a bureau of home economics for the Society for Savings of Cleveland, Ohio, one of the biggest banks in the country, has written an article for the January issue of the American magazine. The title of the article is "Have You Divided Your Dollar for 1919?" In this article Miss Wardall explains the family budget, the need for such a budget in these days of expensive living, and the necessity for cooperation between the husband and wife and the children. "The wise expenditure of the family money should be regarded as a matter of loyalty to the firm, not as a mere matter of necessity," Miss Wardall says. She classes living expenses under five different heads:-food, shelter, clothing, operating or household expenses, and 'advancement', or 'higher life.' This article introduces for the American a department which will receive correspondence and give expert advice as to the making of family budgets. PERKINS "KIDS" GET CHEER Magdalene Freyder Has Charge of Gifts-Sorority Give Treet The crippled children in the University hospital will have a real Christmas this year according to plans. On Christmas morning they wil have a tree and all that goes with one in the way of presents and exercises. Besides this there will be festivities Friday in the school room before the teachers leave. Magdalene Freyder of the University high school has charge of the collecting and preparation of the things. Christmas trees were donated by the Pi Phi and Tri Delta sororities. A call has been sent out to the people of Iowa City for boxes for individual children as well as for fruit, nuts, and the little luxuries of Christmas time. Those who wish to contribute may do so through Miss Freyder. Her residence is at 1010 College street. Y.W. PLANS TO GIVE MUSICAL COMEDY The Y.W.C.A. is planning to give a musical comedy, "Katcha Koo," March 14 and 15 under the direction of the John B. Rogers Production company. The cast will probably include 200 persons, and will be trained by a director furnished by the company. Last year the Iowa City Improvement league gave "The Wishing Ring" under the direction of the same company. ARTIST AND INTERPRETOR COMING TO LECTURE SOON Leon Dabo, interpreter for the American Financial Mission to Europe, will lecture here Jan. 8. Dr. Dabo was spokesman and official photographer of the Financial Mission which included Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis and Laurence Chamberlain. He is an artist of note. His works are hung in the Luxemborg museum of Paris, the Imperial museum of Tokyo, the Museum of Ottawa and Montreal, the National gallery of Washington and other American galleries. IOWA STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION TO MEET The executive session of the Iowa state teachers' association will be held in Des Moines Dec. 26, 27, and 28. Prof.E.E. Lewis, of education department of the University, first vice president of the organization, is a member of a committee which is to give a report on the selection and arrangement of subject matter for secondary schools. Prof. Ernest Horn will give a report on the teaching of civics. The organization will spend the time largely on the development of its legislative program. HODGSON-KELSO Mary Hodgson of Iowa City was united in marriage to Edward L. Kelso at Marengo Thursday Dec. 12. Miss Hodgson is graduate of the University, a member of the Erodelphian society and following her graduation assisted in the registrar's office. She taught at Albian college, Albian, Mich., and also at Grand Rapids, Mich., previous to her marriage. Mr. Kelso was recently engaged in business in Iowa City but has now entered the furniture business in Marengo where their future home will be. The triangle Christmas party will not be held as planned due to the ban on social gatherings. ANNUAL NEWSPAPER CONFERENCE CALLED OFF The fourth annual conference of Iowa newspaper men, which was to take place at Iowa City, has been called off. The meeting was originally slated for Homecoming time, but on account of influenza, Homecoming plans were made too hurriedly to arrange for the conference then. A later plan was to have it arranged for Jan. 23, when Isaac F. Marcasson feature writer for the Saturday Evening Post, was to lecture here on "The War and After." Since the annual convention of newspaper men, which is held every alternate year in Des Moines, will meet there, near the time of Mr. Marcosson's lecture, the conference has been entirely abandoned for this year. FRESHMAN GIRL DIES Gladys Carr, of Popejoy, a freshman, died Tuesday morning, Dec. 17, of pneumonia at Mercy hospital. Three weeks ago she contracted influenza. Her case was not considered serious and she was quarantined, under a nurse's care, in her room at Currier hall. Pneumonia soon developed and she was removed to Mercy hospital where an operation was performed on her lung. She was considered better Sunday but her death came very quickly Tuesday evening. Her family and friends accompanied the body to her home for burial. PHYSICAL ED. COURSE OPEN Credit will be given in the future for the following subjects in the department of physical education for women: folk dancing, aesthetician, dancing, playground, and hygiene. Courses in dancing are open next quarter. One hour of credit will be given for each of the two remaining quarters. No one may major in physical education unless she is taking the prescribed normal course, according to Marion R. Lyon, head of the department. NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY The new books at the University library treat mostly of problems of national importance. Among them are the following, "The Forum of Democracy," by D.E. Watkins; "The Present Conflict of Ideals," by Perry "European International Relations" by J.A. Murray MacDonald; "The Cradle of War," by H. Chas. Words "The World War," by Ely. Two more of particular interest the "The American Problem of Reconstruction," by Friedman, and "The Making of the Future," by Fleme. RECEIVES MORE SPECIMENS Another box of specimens obtained from the Gulf of Mexico by Professor Dill on his trip last spring, has just arrived at the museum. These specimens consist mainly of bird skins. Most important among the specimens is the horned snake which will be mounted for the museum. The Store of the Christmas Spirit High-Grade New Blouses The very latest creations of Georgettes and Crepe-de-Chine Blouses from New York, just out of the packing boxes. All sizes, delightful colorings, most of them in Christmas boxes. Extraordinary values at $3.75-$5.75-$6.98 AND $7.98 Holiday Gloves The success of a costume so often depends upon the correctness of accessory details and Gloves are among the most important to be considered. We sell perfect fitting, reliable Kid Gloves and Silk Gloves, suitable for Christmas Gifts. Women's Neckwear for Gifts A most complete assortment of correct new styles in women's Neckwear appropriate for Christmas gifts awaits your selection. Come here for finest quality and choicest selection. All women of taste will appreciate the Christmas showing of Neckwear. REASONABLE PRICES. BEST QUALITY ALWAYS AT LOWEST PRICES Yetter's THE BIG STORE
Daily Iowan Newspapers