Daily Iowan, April 22, 1919
Page 6
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PAGE 6 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, April 22, 1919 [advertisement] APRIL 26 ALL FOOLS JUBILEE N.S. AUDITORIUM WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-- A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. FOUND-- Fountain pen in natural science auditorium Monday. Call Iowan Office. FOUND—Pocket book containing watch. Call Red 1714. LOST-- Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. Tf CANOE for sale. Phone 1889. 88 FOR RENT-- Suite of modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. 604 S. Clinton. 87 CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE We the undersigned, students, graduate students, former students and faculty members of the State University of Iowa, who saw service in the United States Military and Naval Services during the Great War, desiring to further our mutual welfare and comradeship and to promote those principles for which we and our comrades trained and spot do hereby adopt and establish the following constitution: ARTICLE I—NAME This organization shall be known as the State University of Iowa Legion. ARTICLE II—MEMBERSHIP 1. Membership in this organization shall be either active or honorary. 2. Only students, graduate students, former students, and faculty members of the State University of Iowa shall be eligible to membership in this organization. 3. Those eligible to active membership shall be: Officers and enlisted personnel in the Military and Naval Services of the United States of America at any time during the period from April 6th, 1917, until November 11th, 1918, both inclusive; excepting, however, persons leaving the service without an honorable discharge or persons who having been called into the service refused, failed, or attempted to evade the full performance of such service. 4. Those eligible to honorary membership shall be: Those persons who have rendered especially meritorious service in war work during the Great War. 5. Only active members shall be given the right to vote or hold office in this organization. ARTICLE III—QUORUM AND MEETINGS 1. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of twenty-five active members. 2. The regular meetings of this organization shall be held once each month during the school year, under such regulations and was such [advertisement] Meat Loaf and Veal Pie Served Wednesday, April 23 Orders must be in Tuesday DELICATESSEN 109 Iowa Ave. exceptions as the By-laws may provide. ARTICLE IV—OFFICERS 1. The officers of this organization shall consist of a Commander, a Vice-Commander, an Adjutant, a Personnel Adjutant, (sec’y), a Supply Officer (treas.) and an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the above officers, exofficio members, and one member from each of the established colleges of the University. 2. All officers shall hold office for one year. 3. Election of officers shall be by ballot. ARTICLE V—AMENDMENTS This constitution may be amended at either of the semi-annual meetings, or an adjourned session thereof, by two-thirds of the votes cast, provided that the proposed amendment as such has been published to the society in some other meeting since the last semi-annual meeting. HAWKEYES TROUNCE CEDAR RAPIDS MEN (Continued from Page 1) Irish SB 4 0 0 0 2 1 McIlree P 4 0 2 1 3 0 Ehred SS 3 1 1 0 3 2 Brown LF 4 1 0 0 0 0 Hamilton RF 4 0 0 0 0 1 Crawford CR 2 1 1 0 0 2 Olson C 4 0 0 0 2 10 Goodwin 3B 2 1 0 1 1 0 Cockshoot 1B 3 0 1 1 0 11 Total 30 4 5 3 11 27 Three base hit Ehred, struck out by McIlree 10, Lindaman 3, Mackeever 1. Stolen bases: Brown 2, Goodwin, McIlree, Crawford. Base on balls off McIlree 2, off Lindaman 3. Hit by Pitcher by McIlree, Hill and Lindaman: will pitch McIlree. Passed balls: Olson 2, Post 2. Time 2:10. TRACK NOTICE Tryouts to pick men for the Coe meet Saturday will be held this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. The tryouts will be for the following places: second and third man in the half mile run, third man in the quarter mile, second and third man in the pole vault, third man in the high jump, and first second, and third man in the broad jump. The Library’s Rival [2 pictures in frames showing rivers] [advertisement] ENGLERT---TUESDAY, APRIL 22 Theatre Iowa City HENRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS THE ELABORATE MUSICAL SPECTACLE [hand drawing to left of a woman] Beauty EVERY-WOMAN HER PILGRIMAGE IN QUEST OF LOVE It Has Created a Furor in New York, Boston, Chicago and Every Other City from Coast to Coast It is without doubt one of the largest musical and dramatic productions ever sent on tour, combining as it does in one tremendous spectacle, drama, grand opera and musical comedy. Mr. Henry W. Savage considers Everywoman one of his great triumphs, as a producer, and this year’s organization of his best Everywoman [Companyy] The One Really Great Play of the Present Day SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA [hand drawing to right of man and woman]PASSION SEATS NOW PRICES 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and war tax RESERVE YOUR SEATS BY MAIL Mail orders, from either in or out of town, take precedence over the regular box office sale. Enclose [remit]tance and self-addressed stamped envelope and seats will be forwarded you by return mail, as near [desired?] location as possible. ADD TEN Per Cent WAR TAX WHAT THE PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW I wish to call your attention to the fact that I am sending to [your?] city the elaborate musical spectacle “EVERYWOMAN.” [unreadable] to a custom that has been followed in the past years by most [theatrical?] producers with a popular success to their credit, I [have] steadfastly refused to organize and send out any duplicate [com?]panies of this world famed success, which is coming to your city [unreadable] the zenith of its fame and glory, full of international home [unreadable] homage, and identical in the proportions that have made [theatre?] history here and abroad. I realize that I may be sacrificing much in taking this stand, but I feel positive that the theatergoers of the few cities to which I am sending “EVERYWOMAN” will appreciate the excellence of [this?] company. Many of you have no doubt witnessed a performance of “EVERYWOMAN,” and will be gratified to know that Paula [unreadable], Natalia Lynn, Winifred Baldwin, Norman Lane, J.K. Hutchinson, Frank Kilday, F.M. McCarthy, and Fred Hampton still [unreadable] cast and will appear in your city the same roles with which they have been identified. Feeling that you will appreciate this effort to give you the [unreadable] my power, I beg to remain, Faithfully yours, [Henry W. Savage written signature]
PAGE 6 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, April 22, 1919 [advertisement] APRIL 26 ALL FOOLS JUBILEE N.S. AUDITORIUM WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-- A gold watch. If finder will return to post office box 495, the matter will be dropped, if not steps will be taken to locate same. D.P. FOUND-- Fountain pen in natural science auditorium Monday. Call Iowan Office. FOUND—Pocket book containing watch. Call Red 1714. LOST-- Leather purse containing money. Inquire at Iowan office. Tf CANOE for sale. Phone 1889. 88 FOR RENT-- Suite of modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. 604 S. Clinton. 87 CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE We the undersigned, students, graduate students, former students and faculty members of the State University of Iowa, who saw service in the United States Military and Naval Services during the Great War, desiring to further our mutual welfare and comradeship and to promote those principles for which we and our comrades trained and spot do hereby adopt and establish the following constitution: ARTICLE I—NAME This organization shall be known as the State University of Iowa Legion. ARTICLE II—MEMBERSHIP 1. Membership in this organization shall be either active or honorary. 2. Only students, graduate students, former students, and faculty members of the State University of Iowa shall be eligible to membership in this organization. 3. Those eligible to active membership shall be: Officers and enlisted personnel in the Military and Naval Services of the United States of America at any time during the period from April 6th, 1917, until November 11th, 1918, both inclusive; excepting, however, persons leaving the service without an honorable discharge or persons who having been called into the service refused, failed, or attempted to evade the full performance of such service. 4. Those eligible to honorary membership shall be: Those persons who have rendered especially meritorious service in war work during the Great War. 5. Only active members shall be given the right to vote or hold office in this organization. ARTICLE III—QUORUM AND MEETINGS 1. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of twenty-five active members. 2. The regular meetings of this organization shall be held once each month during the school year, under such regulations and was such [advertisement] Meat Loaf and Veal Pie Served Wednesday, April 23 Orders must be in Tuesday DELICATESSEN 109 Iowa Ave. exceptions as the By-laws may provide. ARTICLE IV—OFFICERS 1. The officers of this organization shall consist of a Commander, a Vice-Commander, an Adjutant, a Personnel Adjutant, (sec’y), a Supply Officer (treas.) and an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the above officers, exofficio members, and one member from each of the established colleges of the University. 2. All officers shall hold office for one year. 3. Election of officers shall be by ballot. ARTICLE V—AMENDMENTS This constitution may be amended at either of the semi-annual meetings, or an adjourned session thereof, by two-thirds of the votes cast, provided that the proposed amendment as such has been published to the society in some other meeting since the last semi-annual meeting. HAWKEYES TROUNCE CEDAR RAPIDS MEN (Continued from Page 1) Irish SB 4 0 0 0 2 1 McIlree P 4 0 2 1 3 0 Ehred SS 3 1 1 0 3 2 Brown LF 4 1 0 0 0 0 Hamilton RF 4 0 0 0 0 1 Crawford CR 2 1 1 0 0 2 Olson C 4 0 0 0 2 10 Goodwin 3B 2 1 0 1 1 0 Cockshoot 1B 3 0 1 1 0 11 Total 30 4 5 3 11 27 Three base hit Ehred, struck out by McIlree 10, Lindaman 3, Mackeever 1. Stolen bases: Brown 2, Goodwin, McIlree, Crawford. Base on balls off McIlree 2, off Lindaman 3. Hit by Pitcher by McIlree, Hill and Lindaman: will pitch McIlree. Passed balls: Olson 2, Post 2. Time 2:10. TRACK NOTICE Tryouts to pick men for the Coe meet Saturday will be held this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. The tryouts will be for the following places: second and third man in the half mile run, third man in the quarter mile, second and third man in the pole vault, third man in the high jump, and first second, and third man in the broad jump. The Library’s Rival [2 pictures in frames showing rivers] [advertisement] ENGLERT---TUESDAY, APRIL 22 Theatre Iowa City HENRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS THE ELABORATE MUSICAL SPECTACLE [hand drawing to left of a woman] Beauty EVERY-WOMAN HER PILGRIMAGE IN QUEST OF LOVE It Has Created a Furor in New York, Boston, Chicago and Every Other City from Coast to Coast It is without doubt one of the largest musical and dramatic productions ever sent on tour, combining as it does in one tremendous spectacle, drama, grand opera and musical comedy. Mr. Henry W. Savage considers Everywoman one of his great triumphs, as a producer, and this year’s organization of his best Everywoman [Companyy] The One Really Great Play of the Present Day SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA [hand drawing to right of man and woman]PASSION SEATS NOW PRICES 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and war tax RESERVE YOUR SEATS BY MAIL Mail orders, from either in or out of town, take precedence over the regular box office sale. Enclose [remit]tance and self-addressed stamped envelope and seats will be forwarded you by return mail, as near [desired?] location as possible. ADD TEN Per Cent WAR TAX WHAT THE PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW I wish to call your attention to the fact that I am sending to [your?] city the elaborate musical spectacle “EVERYWOMAN.” [unreadable] to a custom that has been followed in the past years by most [theatrical?] producers with a popular success to their credit, I [have] steadfastly refused to organize and send out any duplicate [com?]panies of this world famed success, which is coming to your city [unreadable] the zenith of its fame and glory, full of international home [unreadable] homage, and identical in the proportions that have made [theatre?] history here and abroad. I realize that I may be sacrificing much in taking this stand, but I feel positive that the theatergoers of the few cities to which I am sending “EVERYWOMAN” will appreciate the excellence of [this?] company. Many of you have no doubt witnessed a performance of “EVERYWOMAN,” and will be gratified to know that Paula [unreadable], Natalia Lynn, Winifred Baldwin, Norman Lane, J.K. Hutchinson, Frank Kilday, F.M. McCarthy, and Fred Hampton still [unreadable] cast and will appear in your city the same roles with which they have been identified. Feeling that you will appreciate this effort to give you the [unreadable] my power, I beg to remain, Faithfully yours, [Henry W. Savage written signature]
Daily Iowan Newspapers