Daily Iowan, July 8, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED-- House or part of house for summer months for the upkeep or reasonable rent. Responsible person. Address Z --- care Daily Iowan. LOST-- P. E. O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall HAWKS AND OWLS BETTER THAN CATS Zoologist Says Birds of Prey are Farmers' Greatest Friends in Killing Mice One Sparrow hawk or screech owl will rid the farmer of mice more quickly than all the cats in the vicinity. These birds of prey should not only be encouraged but propagated, according to a publication on "The Raptorial Birds of Iowa" by the late Dr. Bert Heald Bailey, a graduate student at the University. The book is just off the press. These two birds will rid the farmer of mice, insect pests, and other vermin and are a positive asset to the agricultural interest of the state, writes Dr. Bailey. The vultures, hawks, and owls of Iowa, represented by forty varieties, are with the exception of a few species, among the most efficient of all natural or artificial agencies in protecting the crops. "In a state whose wealth lies chiefly in its tillable soil, the protection of growing and ripening crops is of first importance," he asserts,"and no factor should be omitted in the problem of increasing the output. Accordingly every agency that can be brought to our assistance in the prevention of the annual distruction of see, blade, or ripened grain, should be utilized." The hawks and owls possess enormous appetites and a powerful and rapid digestive apparatus. Their sure flight, sharp talons, and long beaks make the best allies of the farmers in fighting insect and rodent enemies. Only two common species of hawks and owls in the entire coutnry, in which there 76 species, are in- advertisement A SERVICE MESSAGE YOUR FRIEND IN TOWN Make this bank your friend in town. Whenever you are too busy to come to the bank in person mail your deposits to us, or call up on the phone. We are always glad to be of any service to our farmers, and count it a privilege to offer you the advantages of such a service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM next column, article continued jurious. The popular opinion that birds of prey are wholly harmful has so firm a hold on the minds of the people that nothing but a demonstration can change it, thought Dr. Bailey, and so he set to work, collected specimens of every species of hawk and owl in the state and dissected them. He spent years in observing these birds in the field and taking note of their stomach contents and thus arrived at his conclusion. Birds of prey are not easily studied in the field, Dr. Bailey states, because of their naturally shy and distrustful dispositions so most of his work was done in dissection which constitutes the most dependable evidence on the economic status of each bird. Dr. Bailey, the author of the new book on hawks and owl which has been published by the Iowa geological survey died just at the time he was to receive his doctor of philosophy degree at the University of Iowa. The book was to constitute his dissertation for the fulfillment of the requirements for his degree. CALENDAR FOR WEEK TODAY 8:00 p. m. Public Lecture: "The composite American nation," by Prof. Gilbert G. Benjamin -- liberal arts assembly hall. TOMORROW 8:00 p. m. Public Lecture: "The Ideals of our democracy," by Edwin D. Starbuck--liberal arts assembly Hall. 9:00 p. m. Lambda Theta: Informal reception of the honorary educational society for all women of the department of education; short program-- Currier hall lawn. THURSDAY 8:00 p. m. Public Lecture: "The citizen and the government," by Prof. arts assembly hall. Benjamin F. Shambaugh--Liberal FRIDAY 4: p. m. Public Lecture: "The school and the American," by Dean William F. Russell--liberal arts assembly hall. SATURDAY 7:30 a. m. Excursion to Quaker Oats factory, Cedar Rapids. Party will leave on the interurban car at 7:30 a. m.; representatives of the company will conduct the party through the factory; fare, including tax, round trip $1.73. Notify Professor Peirce, 206, L. A., before Friday night. next column ALL UNIVERSITY MEN WILL DINE TOGETHER Speeches, Music, "Take-offs" and Stunts Are Being Planned By Committee In order that men enrolled in the summer session may have an opportunity to become better acquainted in educational circles, an all University men's dinner is being planned for Monday evening, July 21, to be held at Reichardt's park pavillion. Speeches, music, stunts, and "take-off" are being planned by the committee in charge, which consists of S. W. Johnson, J. L. McCrory, A. L. Boyer, H. M. Halverson, Worcester Warren, I. H. Opstad, C. E. Day, and Ray Latham. Orchestral music is promised for the occasion. Three hundred men are expected to be present at the dinner. Invitations have been sent out to prominent men over the state. Tickets for the dinner, which will be one dollar each, may be secured from either Mr. Latham or Mr. Day anytime during this week. The success of the all University men's dinner which was given to summer session students last year for the first time, was the reason for undertaking to repeat it again this year. It was at the request of certain faculty men and teachers who wished to get better acquainted with the students here now, that the committee in charge was appointed. The complete program will be announced later. Gladys Madren is ill with appendicitis at the University hospital. Marian Dyer, Alpha Xi Delta, was taken to the isolation hospital Saturday. It is thought that Miss Dyer has tonsilitis. large illustrated advertisement Here's our business code: Give you more value, more style, more clothes satisfaction. If we don't do it- give your money back. SUMMER FURNISHINGS FOR MEN It's very timely right now that men give attention to Summer furnishings needs. If they're too busy to attend to it today, they can safely let their women folks shop for them here. Make a list of the things you need, and you can rest assured, we can be depended on to meet your requirements satisfactorily and economically. COAST'S next column, illustrated advertisement Bevo REG. US PAT OFF THE BEVERAGE The all-year-'round soft drink For business men, professional men, men of sports -- golf, bowling, tennis, shooting, riding. For everybody, everywhere, the year 'round. Bevo is hale refreshment for wholesome thirst--an invigorating soft drink. Ideal for the athlete or the man in physical or mental training--good to train and gain on. Healthful and appetizing. Sold everywhere -- Families, supplied by grocer, druggist and dealer. Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our plant ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS ;
PAGE FOUR WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED-- House or part of house for summer months for the upkeep or reasonable rent. Responsible person. Address Z --- care Daily Iowan. LOST-- P. E. O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall HAWKS AND OWLS BETTER THAN CATS Zoologist Says Birds of Prey are Farmers' Greatest Friends in Killing Mice One Sparrow hawk or screech owl will rid the farmer of mice more quickly than all the cats in the vicinity. These birds of prey should not only be encouraged but propagated, according to a publication on "The Raptorial Birds of Iowa" by the late Dr. Bert Heald Bailey, a graduate student at the University. The book is just off the press. These two birds will rid the farmer of mice, insect pests, and other vermin and are a positive asset to the agricultural interest of the state, writes Dr. Bailey. The vultures, hawks, and owls of Iowa, represented by forty varieties, are with the exception of a few species, among the most efficient of all natural or artificial agencies in protecting the crops. "In a state whose wealth lies chiefly in its tillable soil, the protection of growing and ripening crops is of first importance," he asserts,"and no factor should be omitted in the problem of increasing the output. Accordingly every agency that can be brought to our assistance in the prevention of the annual distruction of see, blade, or ripened grain, should be utilized." The hawks and owls possess enormous appetites and a powerful and rapid digestive apparatus. Their sure flight, sharp talons, and long beaks make the best allies of the farmers in fighting insect and rodent enemies. Only two common species of hawks and owls in the entire coutnry, in which there 76 species, are in- advertisement A SERVICE MESSAGE YOUR FRIEND IN TOWN Make this bank your friend in town. Whenever you are too busy to come to the bank in person mail your deposits to us, or call up on the phone. We are always glad to be of any service to our farmers, and count it a privilege to offer you the advantages of such a service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM next column, article continued jurious. The popular opinion that birds of prey are wholly harmful has so firm a hold on the minds of the people that nothing but a demonstration can change it, thought Dr. Bailey, and so he set to work, collected specimens of every species of hawk and owl in the state and dissected them. He spent years in observing these birds in the field and taking note of their stomach contents and thus arrived at his conclusion. Birds of prey are not easily studied in the field, Dr. Bailey states, because of their naturally shy and distrustful dispositions so most of his work was done in dissection which constitutes the most dependable evidence on the economic status of each bird. Dr. Bailey, the author of the new book on hawks and owl which has been published by the Iowa geological survey died just at the time he was to receive his doctor of philosophy degree at the University of Iowa. The book was to constitute his dissertation for the fulfillment of the requirements for his degree. CALENDAR FOR WEEK TODAY 8:00 p. m. Public Lecture: "The composite American nation," by Prof. Gilbert G. Benjamin -- liberal arts assembly hall. TOMORROW 8:00 p. m. Public Lecture: "The Ideals of our democracy," by Edwin D. Starbuck--liberal arts assembly Hall. 9:00 p. m. Lambda Theta: Informal reception of the honorary educational society for all women of the department of education; short program-- Currier hall lawn. THURSDAY 8:00 p. m. Public Lecture: "The citizen and the government," by Prof. arts assembly hall. Benjamin F. Shambaugh--Liberal FRIDAY 4: p. m. Public Lecture: "The school and the American," by Dean William F. Russell--liberal arts assembly hall. SATURDAY 7:30 a. m. Excursion to Quaker Oats factory, Cedar Rapids. Party will leave on the interurban car at 7:30 a. m.; representatives of the company will conduct the party through the factory; fare, including tax, round trip $1.73. Notify Professor Peirce, 206, L. A., before Friday night. next column ALL UNIVERSITY MEN WILL DINE TOGETHER Speeches, Music, "Take-offs" and Stunts Are Being Planned By Committee In order that men enrolled in the summer session may have an opportunity to become better acquainted in educational circles, an all University men's dinner is being planned for Monday evening, July 21, to be held at Reichardt's park pavillion. Speeches, music, stunts, and "take-off" are being planned by the committee in charge, which consists of S. W. Johnson, J. L. McCrory, A. L. Boyer, H. M. Halverson, Worcester Warren, I. H. Opstad, C. E. Day, and Ray Latham. Orchestral music is promised for the occasion. Three hundred men are expected to be present at the dinner. Invitations have been sent out to prominent men over the state. Tickets for the dinner, which will be one dollar each, may be secured from either Mr. Latham or Mr. Day anytime during this week. The success of the all University men's dinner which was given to summer session students last year for the first time, was the reason for undertaking to repeat it again this year. It was at the request of certain faculty men and teachers who wished to get better acquainted with the students here now, that the committee in charge was appointed. The complete program will be announced later. Gladys Madren is ill with appendicitis at the University hospital. Marian Dyer, Alpha Xi Delta, was taken to the isolation hospital Saturday. It is thought that Miss Dyer has tonsilitis. large illustrated advertisement Here's our business code: Give you more value, more style, more clothes satisfaction. If we don't do it- give your money back. SUMMER FURNISHINGS FOR MEN It's very timely right now that men give attention to Summer furnishings needs. If they're too busy to attend to it today, they can safely let their women folks shop for them here. Make a list of the things you need, and you can rest assured, we can be depended on to meet your requirements satisfactorily and economically. COAST'S next column, illustrated advertisement Bevo REG. US PAT OFF THE BEVERAGE The all-year-'round soft drink For business men, professional men, men of sports -- golf, bowling, tennis, shooting, riding. For everybody, everywhere, the year 'round. Bevo is hale refreshment for wholesome thirst--an invigorating soft drink. Ideal for the athlete or the man in physical or mental training--good to train and gain on. Healthful and appetizing. Sold everywhere -- Families, supplied by grocer, druggist and dealer. Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our plant ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS ;
Daily Iowan Newspapers